A Review Report on Epidemiology, Etiology and Prophylaxis of Malaria and the Life cycle of Plasmodium
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Malaria is a parasite disease transmitted by mosquitoes that can be fatal. Malaria affects around 40% of the world's population, mostly those living in the world's poorest nations (undeveloped and developing). There are also alarming signs that malaria is spreading to new parts of the globe and resurfacing in previously eradicated locations. This review article brings awareness about its various aspects in terms of its epidemiology, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment. The information related to the life cycle of the parasite, sources of infection, mechanism behind the disease are well discussed to have a clear understanding of the disease and the parasite. Preliminary symptoms to identify the disease and various diagnostic protocols to confirm the infection are explained. By highlighting the statistics of the disease, its prevalence and spread has been described and importance of preventing the infection is focused. Malaria can be lethal if the causative protozoa infect and destroy red blood cells (anemia) or clog the capillaries that supplies blood (cerebral malaria) or other essential organs. Malaria must be identified early in order to treat the patient in a timely manner and to prevent the transmission of infection further in the community via mosquitoes.